Your Movement Solution Specialist
Kinetic Integrations encompasses injury management, coaching, neuroscience, anthropology, motor learning and motor control, using a performance and movement solutions approach. Its real-world strategies fosters innovation and creativity, providing meaningful experiences to its clients.

Learn and practice evidence-based topics developed by Guido Van Ryssegem himself. Current research and science will be presented, together with ample practical experience and pearls through years of experience. All workshops are hands-on, changing your practice the next day. Guido’s workshops are taught internationally and recognized by organizations such as EXOS and Perform Better.
Guido offers next level teaching and instruction in the strength and conditioning field.
Great topics and education on how to maintain or improve spinal health and correct postural deviations, which is the foundation to improving overall function in the human body. Carry on Guido!
Out of all the classes taken in college, KI was the most beneficial to carving the path to my degree interests. Guido has you critical think, something you are not necessarily forced to do in all of your college courses. I highly recommend taking this course, it is what spiked my interest in analyzing dysfunctional patterns. With having done KI, I now feel prepared to analyze my clients movement. If you are considering, don't, just do it!
The corrective and rehabilitation exercises given to me nearly two months ago have significantly reduced my hip and groin pain from my labral tare. I look forward to continuing to use you and your services this year as I continue my track and field career.
Guido's presentations are the type that you attend over and over because they are that in-depth and at the same time, comprehendible. Starting my career with the KIEP course, learning about how deeply the brain and body are related, how to attack movement dysfunction by understanding neutral joint positions, and the concept of stabilize before you mobilize, put me miles ahead of my peers. Guido is a phenomenal educator and this course is a must for any and all coaches in the exercise industry. Even more, Guido has been an outstanding mentor to countless young coaches looking to start their career in the field.
I was so lucky to be helped and taught by Guido, the top professional and academic in North America